
Les meves històries... aix

šeštadienis, vasario 02, 2008

Un diumenge aburrit?¿?

Extret d'un mail enviat la mateixa nit..

un diumenge a la nit.........
caminant pels passadissos del dormitori mentres la teva companya d-habitacio dorm..
decideixeis menjar un iogurt al passadis i despres de sentir some soroll al 5 e pis decideixes veure ke passa... un txec un eslovak (_ui ui) un aleman i un parell de francesos txan txan et convidan a provar alcohol d-eslovakia i de txekia no us puc dir exactament que....( ho preguntare...)

slivovice, borovi4ka, RUM další Slivovice, a pak nějaké další, ale fakt si nepamatuju další názvy, to se musíš zeptat mých slovenských sousedů

els tres primers son l-alcohol de txekia i despres some thing like you have to ask to my rom mates ...bla bla bla in txec (4 hores per llegir/ho) total ke la bichest (lets say portera) ha trukat la security but anyway they go away...and we are still here having fun!

un dia mes.... a lituania viso gero labanakt!

So that's the story those guys are fucking crazy... after driknig a shot of each one of the liquors, all of us we became drunk, we started to make noisy and the bichest came of course, and later the security guys, or better said the security monsters, thing where smelling bad so i disappeared, next "morning" i woke up because someone was knocking in my door, i decided to not open, it was those crazy guys, when they woke up they finished the alcohol and drunk again they came to llok for me and after they went to kamchatka naked and playing the guitar.
But that wasnt everything because Damien wanted to play dijaridaou outside, obviously the bichest was there to not let him to go and she called the security again, she told their that he wanted to fight with that or whatever.. so he was taken away !

Damien i know it was a bad day for you don't kill me because of the picture kisses!

People ...Roman, Damien, Branio, Dirk, Jeff, Galen, Marco.. i forgot who else was there

And there's always some with a camera XD